OpenBh 5.4 is based on the OE-Alliance 5.4 core.
- Important Notice:If you like OpenBh and you want to see it continue, please don’t forget to donate towards keeping the servers online.Keeping OpenBh and this Forum online is getting more and more expensive. It costs in the region of €2400+ per year to keep OpenBh and this Forum online. OpenBh has always been provided to completely free of charge by a number of hard working OpenBh Team members in their spare time.OpenBh 5.4 is based on the OE-Alliance 5.4 core.So what is different in OpenBh 5.4 then?The main change from version 5.3 to version 5.4 has been to upgrade from oe-alliance-core branch 5.3 to 5.4. The OE (Open Embedded) core on which the image is built has also undergone major changes, updates and fixes, and uses the latest bitbake version. Version 5.4 uses Python version 3.12.2.Whats New:
- OE-A 5.4
- Python 3.12.2
- Gstreamer updated to version 1.22.10
- Vu+ Multiboot feature added for all 4K Vu+ models and now updated to make the install process automated.
- If your favourite plugins no longer work, you will need to contact the plugin authors to ask them to update their plugins for Python3.12.2
- Rytec, doglover and all the teams that host EPG feeds for EPG Importer, for their continued support.
- All developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
- dpeddi for the massive amount of work he did to bring real Multiboot to Vu+ 4K boxes.
- Twol for the work he did in integrating Vu+ Multiboot into the images
- All of the OpenBh Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on improving the image.
- All those who have submitted patches/fixes
- To all who have submitted translation work for OpenBh.
- Twol for the conversion to Python 3. This has involved manually converting literally hundreds of Python files and associated c++ code.
- Huevos and Twol for testing, debugging, and responding to feedback and problems.
- Huevos for his work on blindscan and ABM.
- Peter de Jonge, abu baniaz & Huevos for their work with Andyblac to improve ABM.
- Matrix10 for OpenBh skins.